Source: data-manager/view-managers/list/list_view_manager.js


import Queue from "../../../utils/abstract-data-types/queue/queue";
import RandomNumberCharGenUtils from "../../../utils/random-number-generator/random_number_char_generator";
import ListReverser from "../../../utils/lists/list_reverser";
import DataManager from "../../data_manager";
import ListDataPaginator from "../../paginators/list_data_paginator";
import StandardViewManager from "../standard/standard_view_manager";

 * @template {any} M
 * @template {ArrayOnlyNestedKeys<M>} G_S
 * @extends {StandardViewManager<M, G_S>}
class ListViewManager extends StandardViewManager{

     * @param {DataManagerInstance<M>} dataManager
     * @param {import("ListViewManager").ListDataManagerViewManagerConstructorOptions<M, G_S>} options
    constructor(dataManager, options){

        super(dataManager, options);

        //VERY IMPORTANT setting. Will allow spawned models to be removed with the right mutation
        this.rootViewOptions = { ...options.viewOptions, reinflateRootViewOnNewModel: true };
         * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['existingModelsList']}
        this.existingModelsList = null;
         * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['filteredInternalModelsList']}
        this.filteredInternalModelsList = [];
         * @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, G_S>}
        this.listDataPaginator = null;
         * @type {Element}
        this.overrideObserverViewPort = null;
        //for telling about server-side pagination status
        this.existingModelsOptions = {

            continuePaginationForExisting: options.continuePaginationForExisting
        //Set up pagination


     * Allows self to be child. Else, throws error
        return true;

     * @this ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>
     * Call your sets AFTER needed main view is bound
     * Get invokation from onViewReady calls for lifecycle manager to do these automatically, 
     * including running server side
     * if we have data, and no server side to process, then spawn directly (autopopulate)


            //BUT NEVER REVERSE DATA. Must be congruent with model
             * @type {string | string[]}
            let modelId_s = null;
            //if child, build for child

                //The data we have to work with, given the parent's modelID
                modelId_s = this.childOptions.parentModelId;
                const data = this.reduceHookDataToScope(this.dataManager.getModel(modelId_s), "MODEL_ROOT", this.scope, null);
                this.existingModelsList = data;
            } else {

                //Its a parent. Source everything in scope
                //Model id will also be an array
                if(this.scope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE){

                    this.existingModelsList = [];
                    modelId_s = [];
                    for(let i = 0; i < this.dataManager.dataLength(); i++){
                        //No need to reduce. Data scope of MODEL_ROOT same as view manager. So direct push
                } else {

                    //By default, will work with the first model in index for that scope.
                    //Yes. Cause its parent, and no information about changing index
                    //This is for a weird scenario. Warn
                    console.warn(`LIST VIEW MANAGER ID: ${}. List view manager is not a child and scope is not MODEL_ROOT. Taking relevant scope in first model (index 0)`);
                    console.error("In autoPopulateViewsFromExisting, after serverSide trigger");

                    modelId_s = this.dataManager.getModelId(0);
                    const data = this.reduceHookDataToScope(this.dataManager.getModelInIndex(0), "MODEL_ROOT", this.scope, null);
                    this.existingModelsList = data;

            //Now, autopopulate views, if not already server-side generated by calling onCommit

                //direct call commit if child. Else, just leave as is. Parent already invoked child. Just getting data

                    //using this.processServerSide flag to automatically populate if not server side but rather an init direct
                    this.onCommit("create", this.existingModelsList, null, null, modelId_s, this.scope, this.scope, () => {}, { isServerSideCreate: this.processServerSide, paginationInfo: { [this.scope]: { stopPagination: this.existingModelsOptions.continuePaginationForExisting?.(this.existingModelsList, modelId_s) } } });
            } else {

                console.error(`Cannot autopopulate views. Your scope ${this.scope} doesn't refer to an array`);

     * Hooks any server-side views, if server side
     * @returns {ServerSideAttachedViewInfo[]}


            //Child is not automatically triggered
            //So, trigger first, as this trigger was from onCommit, invoke children, in parent
            //Just fail if we don't have a valid existingModelsList

                throw new Error("Failed to attach server side views to view manager. No models loaded to list");

            //Get the views
            let serverSideViews = this.getParentRootViewNode().querySelectorAll(`.${this.rootViewOptions.componentViewClass}`);
            if(this.baseViewAppendOrder === "stack"){

                serverSideViews = ListReverser.reverseList(serverSideViews);

            if(this.existingModelsList.length < serverSideViews.length){

                throw new Error(`Can't attach server side views for list manager with id ${}. Models and views length not equal. Have you sourced them over network? Init calls are delayed for this. \n\nModel: ${this.existingModelsList.length} :: ${serverSideViews.length}`);

            if(this.existingModelsList.length > serverSideViews.length){

                //throw an error?
                console.warn(`Attaching server side views for list manager with id ${}. However, note that internal models list length exceeds server side views length: ${serverSideViews.length}`);

             * @type {AttachServerSideViewInfo[]}
            this.finalAttachServerSideInfo = [];

                //add to attachedModels
                serverSideViews.forEach((view, index) => {

                    const mappedId = this.spawnAttachedModels(this.childOptions.parentModelId, view);
                    //put in info

                        mappedDataId: mappedId,
                        viewNode: view,
                        modelId: this.childOptions.parentModelId
                    //Fire hooks
                     * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['rootViewDataHooks']}
                    const rootViewDataHooks = this.rootViewDataHooks;
                    //calling this cause that's where you attach listeners and etc
                    //indexing with index cause it is array (that's the base type of a list view manager's scope)
                    rootViewDataHooks.root.builder.onViewAttach(this.childOptions.parentModelId, this.dataManager.getScopedModel(this.scope, mappedId, this.childOptions.parentModelId, false)[index], view, mappedId, { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });
            } else {

                if(this.scope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE){

                    //Add to attached models
                    serverSideViews.forEach((view, index) => {

                        const modelID = this.dataManager.getModelId(index);
                        const mappedId = this.spawnAttachedModels(modelID, view);
                        //put in info

                            mappedDataId: mappedId,
                            viewNode: view,
                            modelId: modelID
                        //Fire hooks
                         * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['rootViewDataHooks']}
                        const rootViewDataHooks = this.rootViewDataHooks;
                        rootViewDataHooks.root.builder.onViewAttach(modelID, this.dataManager.getModel(modelID), view, mappedId, { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });
                } else {

                    //By default, will work with the first model in index for that scope.
                    //Yes. Cause its parent, and no information about changing index
                    //This is for a weird scenario. Warn
                    console.warn(`LIST VIEW MANAGER ID: ${}. List view manager is not a child and scope is not MODEL_ROOT. Taking relevant scope in first model (index 0)`);
                    //Add to attached models
                    serverSideViews.forEach((view, index) => {

                        const modelID = this.dataManager.getModelId(0);
                        const mappedId = this.spawnAttachedModels(modelID, view);
                        //put in info

                            mappedDataId: mappedId,
                            viewNode: view,
                            modelId: modelID
                         * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['rootViewDataHooks']}
                        const rootViewDataHooks = this.rootViewDataHooks;
                        rootViewDataHooks.root.builder.onViewAttach(modelID, this.dataManager.getScopedModel(this.scope, mappedId, modelID, false)[index], view, mappedId, { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });

            return this.finalAttachServerSideInfo;
        } else {

            throw new Error("Called to process server side while flag is false");

     * @type {StandardViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['getParentRootViewNode']}

        !this.parentRootViewNode ? this.parentRootViewNode = !this.isChildInfo.isChild ? document.getElementById(this.rootViewOptions.parentNodeID) : this.childOptions.parentRootNode.querySelector(`.${this.rootViewOptions.parentNodeClass_AsChild}`) : null; 


                console.error("DATA MANAGER VIEW MANAGER: Attempted to run root and view node build but parent with id " + this.rootViewOptions.parentNodeID + " has not been manually attached to the view. Ensure it already exists in markup");
            } else {

                console.error("DATA MANAGER VIEW MANAGER: Attempted to run root and view node build but node in parent view manager has not been manually attached to the view. Ensure it already exists in markup.\nClass selector: " + this.rootViewOptions.parentNodeClass_AsChild);
            return null;

        return this.parentRootViewNode;

     * TODO: Spawn children only if we have a view node (so not a temp)
     * For temp, spawn on updateAttachedModels
     * @type {StandardViewManager<M, G_S>['spawnAttachedModels']}
    spawnAttachedModels(modelId, attachedViewNode){

        //runs the same even for fake spawn. Just updates
        const getMappedId = () => {

            return `${}#${RandomNumberCharGenUtils.generateRandomNumChar(6)}`;
        const mappedId = getMappedId();
        //item position is okay analogous to length of attached models length, since managing an array
        //but when getting orderedArrayIndices, parent joins to this. Works well

            modelId: modelId,
            itemPosition: this.attachedModels.length,
            mappedDataId: mappedId,
            attachedViewNode: attachedViewNode,
        //Set the child and watchers. Outside so we just get the okay ordered indices
        this.attachedModels.peek().orderedChildViewManagers = this.inflateOrderedChildViewManagers({ parentDataIndex: this.attachedModels.length, parentModelId: modelId, parentRootNode: attachedViewNode, parentOrderedArrayIndices: this.getOrderedArrayIndices(this.scope, mappedId) }), //No enqueue. Working now after commit
        this.attachedModels.peek().watcherChildViewManagers = this.getWatcherChildViewManagers({ parentRootNode: this.getParentRootViewNode() })

        return mappedId;

     * So, have two versions. CORRECT WAY AS PER ALGO is to return a non-empty queue
     * Scope used to determine if ordered array indices valid (only if scope not model root)
     * @type {StandardViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['getOrderedArrayIndices']} 
    getOrderedArrayIndices(scope, mappedDataId){

         * @type {ViewManagerOrderedArrayIndices}
        const orderedArrayIndices = new Queue();
        //if scope is model root, just return an empty queue. modelId is the target lol
        if(this.scope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE){

            return orderedArrayIndices;

        //if child, add from parents
        this.childOptions?.parentOrderedArrayIndices ? orderedArrayIndices.join(this.childOptions?.parentOrderedArrayIndices.copy()) : null;
        //Now join with result from self or children
        orderedArrayIndices.join(super.getOrderedArrayIndices(scope, mappedDataId));

        return orderedArrayIndices;

     * @type {StandardViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['onCommit']}
    onCommit(mutation, newData, oldData, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, originalScope, completeCb, extras){

        //bounce completely if requested scope is not same, child, or parent of this

            if(this.canRunHooks(APIScope, true)){
                //create clones
                newData = structuredClone(newData);
                oldData = structuredClone(oldData);
                const origModelId_s = modelId;
                modelId = structuredClone(modelId);
                //Dealing with edge loadNew cases where response 200 OK but no data
                    const newViewManagerScopedData = this.reduceHookDataToScope(newData, APIScope, this.scope, mappedDataId);
                    const oldViewManagerScopedData = this.reduceHookDataToScope(oldData, APIScope, this.scope, mappedDataId);
                     * @param {boolean} modelIdFixed 
                     * @param {genericFunction} completeCB
                     * @param {boolean} [doneFirstPass]
                    //Create clones for our recursive actions (since array)
                    const recursiveOrigNewData = structuredClone(newData);
                    const recursiveOrigOldData = structuredClone(oldData);
                    //Usually array if working in same scope, or MODEL_ROOT with mutiple models
                    //else, can have situation where new data is object, but scoped data (to this scope) is the array
                    //That's why the scopedData array functions are valid and untouched
                    const origDataIsArray = Array.isArray(recursiveOrigNewData);
                    //get the attached server side views
                     * @type {ServerSideAttachedViewInfo[]}
                    let serverSideAttachedViewInfo = [];
                        serverSideAttachedViewInfo = this.hookServerSideViews();
                    const recursiveCallCommits = (modelIdFixed, completeCB, doneFirstPass) => {
                        if((Array.isArray(modelId) && modelId.length) || (modelIdFixed && newViewManagerScopedData.length)){
                            const finalModelID = modelIdFixed ? modelId :;
                            this.runSingleCommit(mutation,, oldViewManagerScopedData?.at(0), mappedDataId, finalModelID, APIScope, originalScope, () => {
                                newViewManagerScopedData.splice(0, 1);
                                oldViewManagerScopedData?.splice(0, 1);
                                modelIdFixed ? null : modelId.splice(0, 1);
                                    //reduce the cloned new and old data
                                    recursiveOrigNewData.splice(0, 1);
                                    recursiveOrigOldData?.splice(0, 1);
                                    //reduce the serverSideAttachedViewInfo
                                    serverSideAttachedViewInfo.splice(0, 1);
                                recursiveCallCommits(modelIdFixed, completeCB, true);
                            //extras can be undefined cause of non "new" mutations
                            }, { ...extras, origOldData_At: origDataIsArray ? recursiveOrigOldData?.at(0) : recursiveOrigOldData, origNewData_At: origDataIsArray ? : recursiveOrigNewData, tempMappedDataIdInfo: { ...extras?.tempMappedDataIdInfo, tempMappedDataId: doneFirstPass ? null : extras?.tempMappedDataIdInfo?.tempMappedDataId  }, serverSideAttachedInfo: });
                        } else {
                            //set up paginator here?
                            //if not delete or delete_FLushAll. Those self-manage
                            if(mutation === "loadNew" || mutation === "uploadNew" || mutation === "create"){
                                let stopPagination = false;
                                if(extras?.isServerSideCreate && this.isChildInfo.isChild){

                                    //child never fires this directly before onCommit because a child's mutation is fired by parent, but a parent fires its own when spawning from existing 
                                    stopPagination = this.existingModelsOptions.continuePaginationForExisting?.(this.existingModelsList, origModelId_s);
                                } else {

                                    stopPagination = extras?.paginationInfo ? extras.paginationInfo[this.scope]?.stopPagination : undefined
                                this.setUpPaginationIntersector(mutation, modelId, stopPagination);
                    //Call the prePostRootAttachHooks
                    if(mutation === "uploadNew" || mutation === "loadNew" || mutation === "create"){
                            console.error(`Received a mapped data ID for view manager ${} and scope ${this.scope} | APIScope: ${this.scope} for a "new" mutation ${mutation}`);
                            console.warn(`Will safely assume this specific view manager's implementation has no child. So, can run mutation here and nullify provided mapped data id`);
                            mappedDataId = null;
                        //Called b4 views are spawned. Good call
                            //Call for root view hooks
                            if(this.rootViewDataHooks && (this.dataComparator(newData, oldData, APIScope, mappedDataId).base() || mutation === "create")){
                                 * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['rootViewDataHooks']}
                                const rootViewDataHooks = this.rootViewDataHooks;
                                //Passes the parent root node, not viewRoot
                                rootViewDataHooks.root.prePostRootAttachHooks.onCommit(modelId, mutation, newViewManagerScopedData, oldViewManagerScopedData, this.getParentRootViewNode(), { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });
                        //Allows for say bulk delete try, and API can failsafe the transaction i.e delete valid ones and skip non-valid ones
                        //And you can provide that here. just match newData length to model id length of deleted
                        //Counter-intuitive, but makes a lot of sense to work like this, functionally
                        if((mutation === "loadNew" || mutation === "delete") && newViewManagerScopedData?.length !== modelId.length){
                            console.error("Length of new data and new model ids should match if mutation is loadNew or delete " + newViewManagerScopedData?.length + " :: " + modelId.length);
                        recursiveCallCommits(false, () => {
                    } else {
                        //Change happened to one model id. 
                        //Depending on request scope, Data an array or not (selfType) - YES. So valid, but deeper scope (inside array)
                        //All from server-side are array though, cause we retrieve whole list (to scope) - figure out commit
                        //delete mutation (for bulk) should NEVER get here, because it also provides an array of model id
                            recursiveCallCommits(true, () => {
                                if((mutation === "delete" || mutation === "delete_FlushAll") && (originalScope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE || originalScope === this.scope || APIScope === this.scope)){
                                    // this.setUpPaginationIntersector(mutation);
                                    // completeCb();
                                } else {
                                    // runChildrenViewManagerCommits();
                                //just complete
                        } else {
                            //Will NEVER be the case for server side attached views
                            //Always return an array as data
                            this.runSingleCommit(mutation, newViewManagerScopedData, oldViewManagerScopedData, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, originalScope, () => {
                                //doing this check first because for delete, we run children first - also, such mutations only pass null, so expect this
                                if((mutation === "delete" || mutation === "delete_FlushAll") && (originalScope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE || originalScope === this.scope || APIScope === this.scope)){
                                    // this.setUpPaginationIntersector(mutation);
                                    // completeCb();
                                } else {
                                    // runChildrenViewManagerCommits();
                                //just complete
                            }, { ...extras, origOldData_At: oldData, origNewData_At: newData });
                } else {
                        console.warn("Committed with no modelID. This should only be valid for a loadNew mutation where the API returns a 200 OK response but no data...EEEH NOPE");
                         * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['rootViewDataHooks']}
                        const rootViewDataHooks = this.rootViewDataHooks;
                        //Passes the parent root node, not viewRoot
                        rootViewDataHooks.root.prePostRootAttachHooks.onCommit(null, mutation, null, null, this.getParentRootViewNode(), { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });
            } else {

                //transfer onCancel logic (take arrays and recursive call) then short test this scope thing for now
                //then get back to the main job. We need to be up tomorrow morning

                     * Read more in onMutate, same place
                    throw new Error(`Data operation is of a specific scope, but no mapped data id provided.\nScope: ${this.scope} | APIScope: ${APIScope}`);
                this.invokeChildViewManagers(mappedDataId, (viewManager, cb) => {
                    viewManager.onCommit(mutation, newData, oldData, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, originalScope, () => {

                    }, { ...extras, tempMappedDataIdInfo: extras?.tempMappedDataIdInfo?.childrenInfo.find((info) => info.viewManagerId === });
                }, () => {

        } else {


     * @template {keyof DataManagerInstance<M>['masterWorkingModel']['scopedOptions']['apis']} FinalScope
     * @param {DataManagerMutations} mutation 
     * @param {Partial<ValueTypeOfArrayOnly<M, G_S>>} newData 
     * @param {Partial<ValueTypeOfArrayOnly<M, G_S>>} oldData 
     * @param {string} mappedDataId 
     * @param {string} modelId 
     * @param {FinalScope} APIScope 
     * @param {NestedChildKeyOf<M, FinalScope>} originalScope
     * @param {genericFunction} completeCb 
     * @param {ViewManagerMutationCBExtras<M, FinalScope> & { origOldData_At: DataManagerPermittedBulkType<M, FinalScope>, origNewData_At: DataManagerPermittedBulkType<M, FinalScope>, serverSideAttachedInfo: ServerSideAttachedViewInfo }} extras 
    runSingleCommit(mutation, newData, oldData, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, originalScope, completeCb, extras){

        if((mutation === "delete" || mutation === "delete_FlushAll") && (originalScope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE || originalScope === this.scope || APIScope === this.scope)){

            //tell the children first
            this.invokeChildViewManagers(mappedDataId,(viewManager, cb) => {
                viewManager.onCommit(mutation, extras.origNewData_At, extras.origOldData_At, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, originalScope, () => {
                }, extras);
            }, () => {
                //Now remove self
                //If the APIScope is model root or matches this scope data is being deleted. View no longer relevant
                //Else, normal mutation flow followed
                //If the APIScope is model root or matches this scope data is being deleted. View no longer relevant
                //Else, normal mutation flow followed
                if(APIScope === this.scope || this.scope.toString().startsWith(APIScope)){
                    this.detachViewNodeFromRootParent(mutation, modelId, newData, mappedDataId);
        } else {

             * @type {import("StandardViewManager").NewViewInfo}
            let newViewInfo = null;
            if(mutation === "uploadNew" || mutation === "loadNew" || mutation === "create"){

                    //add for create in commit
                    throw new Error("Cannot have a mappedDataId for loadNew, uploadNew, or create in onCommit. No view bound to operation yet as model or scoped model being created");

                if(mutation === "create"){


                        //Spawn new root or view node
                        newViewInfo = this.runRootAndViewNodeBuild(mutation, modelId, newData);
                    } else {

                        //get from spawned in serverSideCreate
                        newViewInfo = extras.serverSideAttachedInfo;
                } else {
                    newViewInfo = this.runRootAndViewNodeBuild(mutation, modelId, newData, extras.tempMappedDataIdInfo?.tempMappedDataId);

                mappedDataId = newViewInfo.mappedDataId;
            //No need for else because of loadNew, create, or uploadNew, will build root so view components need to be updated
             * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['componentViewDataHooks']}
            const componentViewDataHooks = this.componentViewDataHooks;
            //Pass this scope to match req scope. Ensure data also is original
            this.invokeRootComponentHooks(mutation, extras.origNewData_At, extras.origOldData_At, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, (targetScope, newScopedData) => {

                componentViewDataHooks[targetScope].hooks.onCommit?.(modelId, mutation, newData, oldData, newScopedData, this.getViewNodeForMappedDataId(mappedDataId), mappedDataId, { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });
            }, () => {
                //children invoked AFTER
                this.invokeChildViewManagers(mappedDataId, (viewManager, cb) => {
                    viewManager.onCommit(mutation, extras.origNewData_At, extras.origOldData_At, mappedDataId, modelId, APIScope, originalScope, () => {

                    }, { ...extras, tempMappedDataIdInfo: extras?.tempMappedDataIdInfo?.childrenInfo.find((info) => info.viewManagerId === });
                }, () => {


    //Method to init intersection observer for pagination based on mutation.... 
    //for delete, have to update on each delete
    //For recycle view, do update for each completed spawn of views, which can happen without loadNew
    //mutation, but a scroll action as well
    //USE SCROLL HEIGHT btw to determine maximum size of view and have a scroller size determined by length, 
    //and travel equalling scroll by same and data length
    //FOR RECYCLE, THIS TRIGGERS ARE DEPENDENT if the viewNode is at pos close to model length
    //Don't just fire hapharzadly - override these for recycle to control logic
     * @param {DataManagerMutations} mutation 
     * @param {string} modelId 
     * @param {boolean} stopPagination 
    setUpPaginationIntersector(mutation, modelId, stopPagination){

        if(mutation === "uploadNew" || mutation === "loadNew" || mutation === "create"){

            if(stopPagination !== undefined){


     * @param {Element} deletedNode


     * @override
     * @type {StandardViewManager<M, G_S>['runRootAndViewNodeBuild']}
     * @param {DataManagerMutations} mutation
     * @param {Partial<ValueTypeOfArrayOnly<M, G_S>>} data 
     * @param {string} modelId
     * @returns {import("StandardViewManager").NewViewInfo}
    runRootAndViewNodeBuild(mutation, modelId, data, overrideSpawnedMappedDataId){

        if(this.getParentRootViewNode() && this.rootViewDataHooks && this.rootViewOptions && data){ //Must have data to run

             * @type {Element}
            let viewNode = null;
             * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['rootViewDataHooks']}
            const rootViewDataHooks = this.rootViewDataHooks;

            //Attach new child
            //Defaults are, list for baseViewAppendOrder and bottom for create new
            const template = rootViewDataHooks.root.builder.inflateRoot(data);
            const defaultAttachment = this.baseViewAppendOrder === "stack" ? "afterbegin" : "beforeend";
            this.parentRootViewNode.insertAdjacentHTML(mutation === "create" ? this.baseViewCreateNewPos === "top" ? "afterbegin" : "beforeend" : defaultAttachment, template.inflatedView);

            //Get the view node and update
            const allChildren = this.parentRootViewNode.getElementsByClassName(this.rootViewOptions.componentViewClass);
            let newNodePos = null; 
            if(mutation === "create"){

                newNodePos = this.baseViewCreateNewPos === "top" ? 0 : allChildren.length - 1;
            } else {

                newNodePos = this.baseViewAppendOrder === "stack" ? 0 : allChildren.length - 1;
            viewNode = allChildren[newNodePos];
            //Update attached models list - the main list we look at and reference to match data
            const mappedDataId = overrideSpawnedMappedDataId ? this.updateAttachedModel(overrideSpawnedMappedDataId, viewNode, modelId) : this.spawnAttachedModels(modelId, viewNode); 
            rootViewDataHooks.root.builder.onViewAttach(modelId, data, viewNode, mappedDataId, { viewManagerRef: this, parentMappedDataId: this.childOptions.parentMappedDataId });

            return { viewNode: viewNode, mappedDataId: mappedDataId };
        } else {


                console.warn("DATA MANAGER VIEW MANAGER: Attempted to run initial root build but no root view hooks provided");


                console.warn("DATA MANAGER VIEW MANAGER: Attempted to run initial root build but no root view options provided");

     * The implementation below is for standard only
     * @type {StandardViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['detachViewNodeFromRootParent']} 
    detachViewNodeFromRootParent(mutation, modelId, data, mappedDataId){

        if(mutation === "delete_FlushAll"){

            //Hard clear
            this.getParentRootViewNode().innerHTML = "";
            //Doing this to trigger a whole unobserve. Will not find because all views gone, so clear references
        } else {

                mappedDataId = this.getMappedDataIdThatMatchesProperties(data);
            const targetViewNode = this.getViewNodeForMappedDataId(mappedDataId);
                //Invoke the correct hook
                    this.rootViewDataHooks.root.builder.onViewDetach(modelId, data, targetViewNode, mappedDataId, () => {
                        //detach current child
                    //clear attached models
                    this.attachedModels.sortDelete(this.attachedModels.find((model) => model.mappedDataId === mappedDataId));
            } else {
                console.error("Cannot detach view node. Not found for mappedDataId " + mappedDataId);

     * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['registerViewDataHooks']}
    registerViewDataHooks(rootHooks, componentHooks){

        return super.registerViewDataHooks(rootHooks, componentHooks);

     * @type {ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['getViewNodeAtDataPos']}


            const targetModel = this.attachedModels.find((model) => model.itemPosition === pos);

                return targetModel.attachedViewNode

        return null;

     * @type {ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['dataLength']}

        return this.existingModelsList?.length;

     * @type {ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['setUpPaginator']} 


            return false;
        } else {

             * @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, G_S>}
            this.listDataPaginator = new ListDataPaginator({

                viewOptions: this.rootViewOptions,
                dataManagerInstance: this.dataManager,
                listViewManagerInstance: this,
                scope: this.scope,
                soleModelId: this.isChildInfo.isChild ? this.childOptions.parentModelId : this.scope === DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE ? DataManager._MODEL_ROOT_SCOPE : null
            this.overrideObserverViewPort = options.observerViewPort;

            return true;

     * @type {ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['getListDataPaginator']}

        return this.listDataPaginator;

     * @type {ListViewManagerInstance<M, G_S>['getIntersectionObserverViewPort']}

        return this.overrideObserverViewPort || this.getParentRootViewNode();


     * @type {import("ListViewManager").ListViewManagerInstance<*, *>}
    const check = new ListViewManager();

export default ListViewManager;