import IntersectionDetectionUtils from "./utils/intersection_detection_utils.js";
* Just get what to observe at intersect, know the markers, cascade API interface calls (for this scope strictly)
* allow or deny pagination based on markers
* And detachObservers on delete of target observer or flushAll or bulk delete
* (update per cycle of delete, but batch update on attach (return set of attached views))
* Or, just after the attach cycle completes, run the correct get
* Also, when told to setUpObservers, pass in data length and viewNodePos as well, to match
* to requested trigger position and doPagination
* when doing pagination, just direct calls loadData() for dataManagerInstance;
* @template M
* @template {ArrayOnlyNestedKeys<M>} VMS
class ListDataPaginator{
* @param {import("./list_data_paginator.d.ts.js").ListDataPaginatorOptions<M, VMS>} args
* @type {VMS}
this.scope = args.scope;
* @type {string}
this.soleModelId = args.soleModelId;
* @type {number}
this.paginationTriggerPos = args.triggerPos_ToLast ? args.triggerPos_ToLast : 6;
* @type {DataManagerInstance<M>}
this.dataManager = args.dataManagerInstance;
* @type {ListViewManagerInstance<M, VMS>}
this.listViewManager = args.listViewManagerInstance;
this.rootViewOptions = args.viewOptions;
* @type {import("DataManager").DataOperationsNetworkInterface<ValueTypeOfNested<M, VMS>, VMS, M>}
this.loadNewNetworkInterface = args.networkInterface;
this.loadDataOptions = args.loadDataOptions;
this.overrideNetworkInterface = this.initOverrideNetworkInterface();
this.finalCallInterface = args.finalCallInterface;
* @type {boolean}
this.doneFullPagination = args?.serverSidePaginationEnd;
* @type {Element}
this.currentIntersectionTarget = null;
* @type {string}
this.overrideLoadAddr = null;
* @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, VMS>['initOverrideNetworkInterface']}
const getLoadNewNetworkInterface = () => {
return this.loadNewNetworkInterface;
const getSelf = () => this;
return {
async getReqBody(addr, updatedModel, mutation, oldCompleteModel){
return await getLoadNewNetworkInterface().getReqBody(addr, updatedModel, mutation, oldCompleteModel);
async onDataLoadPostProcess(reqAddr, response, newData, oldData, mutation, mappedDataId, extras){
const data = await getLoadNewNetworkInterface().onDataLoadPostProcess(reqAddr, response, newData, oldData, mutation, mappedDataId, extras);
if(data.extras?.paginationInfo[getSelf().scope]?.stopPagination !== undefined){
return data;
onDataLoadError(reqAddr, response, newData, oldData, mutation){
return getLoadNewNetworkInterface().onDataLoadError(reqAddr, response, newData, oldData, mutation);
* @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, VMS>['setSoleModelId']}
this.soleModelId = modelId;
this.dataManager.loadData(this.scope, { modelID: this.soleModelId, mappedDataId: this.listViewManager.childOptions.parentMappedDataId }, this.loadDataOptions, this.overrideNetworkInterface, this.overrideLoadAddr).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
* Called to refresh paginated list and load a new one
* Flushes the right scope data then triggers a new load for the scope
* NOTE: As long as you call this, and you actively set the doneFullPagination value at on data post process
* the newly loaded data should have its pagination reset
* @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, VMS>['refreshList']}
//Here, clear the scoped model first and then load a new list based on given params
//(accessible in interface)
//So, introducing a new data manager method, flushScopedData(modelId, scope),
//modelID and scope accepting MODEL_ROOT AT THE SAME TIME to flushAllData
//flush scopedData will just create a new mutation, with power to cancel all loadNewOperations for that scope
//overwrite model for the scope to null and commit that
//Then, you can trigger a loadNewMutation for that scope
this.dataManager.flushScopedData(this.soleModelId, this.scope);
this.overrideLoadAddr = overrideLoadAddr;
* @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, VMS>['setUpPaginationIntersector']}
* Setting intersection point
//Remove currently being observed
this.currentIntersectionObserver = null;
this.currentIntersectionTarget = null;
//observe new
const observerViewPort = this.listViewManager.getIntersectionObserverViewPort();
const allViewNodes = observerViewPort.getElementsByClassName(this.rootViewOptions.componentViewClass);
if(!this.doneFullPagination && allViewNodes?.length > this.paginationTriggerPos){
this.currentIntersectionTarget = allViewNodes[allViewNodes.length - this.paginationTriggerPos];
this.currentIntersectionObserver = IntersectionDetectionUtils.initIntersector(observerViewPort, 0.4, this.currentIntersectionTarget, this.doPagination.bind(this));
* @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, VMS>['updatePaginationIntersectorOnDelete']}
if(this.currentIntersectionTarget === deletedNode){
* @type {ListDataPaginatorInstance<M, VMS>['setPaginationComplete']}
this.doneFullPagination = completed;
* @type {import("./list_data_paginator.d.ts.js").ListDataPaginatorInstance<*, *>}
const check = new ListDataPaginator(null);
export default ListDataPaginator;